Advanced previewer

Is there any way or solution to use advanced previewer??

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I cannot fix Advanced previewer because the add-on version is too old(Anki2.0). The author(Gulutanimate) has been active recently so it may be repaired in the future.

These add-ons are a bit similar in their functionality, so try using them instead.


Iā€™m working on rewriting Advanced Previewer for 23.x, yes :slight_smile:


How much time can this take to get completed and will it be present on anki website aor your patreon app/website?

Patreon has recently added free membership, so I think if you become a free member you will receive notifications when updates are posted.

Ankiweb updates can only be tracked if you download the add-on.(This Add-on is 2.0 so it is not available for download.)
Perhaps if you register with Watch on Github, you will be notified when it is updated.

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Thank you so much for all the information

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