@basiskarten: Thanks for the info.
tldr: update your add-ons and restart
long version: I have uploaded slightly changed versions for the table and hyperlink add-on recently. In case I introduced bugs I didn’t want to have the update delivered to everyone right away. So I uploaded these new versions just for 2.1.45+. When you update anki it does not directly check for add-on updates on the first start (at least until .44). That’s a known limitation (see here) and I guess that you’ve run into it. I still didn’t have time to look into this.
To test if this explanation applies here: Could you manually rewrite the meta.json to “-44”, restart Anki, and then check for add-on updates?
btw: the biggest change was in the table add-on how it transforms text that’s separated by |
(for details see here). If you run into a problem with this in the new version for 2.1.45 let me know.