2.1.66 js errors

Anki starts but images and TeX are broken and blank window when try to add card on Slackware-current. I get this in console if I add card:

JS warning /_anki/js/note_creator.js:1 No version information available for component [tex]/noerrors
JS warning /_anki/js/note_creator.js:1 No version information available for component [tex]/mathtools
JS warning /_anki/js/note_creator.js:1 No version information available for component [tex]/mhchem
JS error /_anki/legacyPageData?id=140281372807664:4 Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: setNotetypeId is not defined
JS error /_anki/js/note_creator.js:180 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

Problems can be Slackware related and may be caused by broken dependencies, I’d appreciate if anyone can suggest the reason.

I get these same JS warning messages on Windows with the latest 23.12.1 version when I run anki-console, and I don’t even have any cards that use TeX, or any add-ons that do. So I don’t think those are significant.

The final two JS error lines are surely where the problem lies.

First things first, have you tried all the steps of the Troubleshooting - Anki Manual checklist?

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