I use cloze for my desk, when i click show the answer it will display the back extra. But when i click show the anser, the recent card is switched to another card and show the another card’s back extra instead. It happens with random card frequently and I don’t know how to fix that problem, please help me guys. You can see more in this (delete the space):
drive .google .com/drive/folders/1RfgC8m63dU2tEXMXZpw4CUABfYk8cLJx?usp=sharing
Troubleshooting Checklist – this is almost always caused by #6, so do that first. If it’s not that, do the rest of the list.
I tried it all before upload the post, but it didn’t help anything.
[You should tell us what you’ve already tried to fix it when you first post.]
But, nevertheless, changing your video drivers is the fix for exactly what you’re reporting – so you should try #6 again. Try every driver in the Preferences, and make sure you restart between each change.
First of all, I’m sorry this is my first post and I’m not good at english so i don’t know what to do. Secondly, thank for your help. I figured it out, #6 didn’t help anything, but I go to Tools then Preferences to change driver and it works. I guess because the software and the default driver were both error so the #6 couldn’t help.
#6 tells you to change the video driver. So what you did was exactly what Danika_Dakika said would work – and it did.