My retention is unreadable

(there are several of my decks whose retention is unreadable, almost most of them are unreadable, please help because I can’t stand seeing 0% retention but I’ve worked on all of those decks)

It says 90.1%

Did you do any reviews for that deck today or yesterday?

It’s been two days since then, I thought it was only on one deck, it turns out it’s on another deck too, this is the deck I circled whose retention is unreadable

Yes, I’ve done everything, after I see the retention is still 0%

If you did reviews for that deck today and yesterday, and it still shows 0%, then it must be a bug or something. Unless it doesn’t count learning steps as reviews.

You shouldn’t worry about the smaller scale time periods anyways. Look at “Total - Last Year” instead. It’s at 90.1%.

here are my screenshots from 2 and 3 days ago before my retention was unreadable

Can you show the review history graph for these decks?

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Yesterday I checked on another deck and it couldn’t be read, but now it seems like it’s back to normal

That seems like a weird number of “learning” reviews. What are your learning steps?

I wonder if you just have loads of cards stuck with intervals of less than a day (which do not appear on the true retention table).

at that time there were 300 cards, I still have the screenshots

Usually [re]learning cards (the red numbers) have an interval less than 1 day. You reviewed 300+ cards, but if they all had intervals less than 1 day they would not count in the True Retention table.

I’m not sure if “learning” cards count in the True Retention table, even if their interval is longer than 1 day.

Have you added lots of learning steps? It seems weird that you are doing so many reviews but have so may cards still “learning”.

previously I had changed the “learning steps” section, I added 1d 3d, and the fsrs was enabled, maybe that was the cause

N.B. You should not be using learning steps >=1d with FSRS:

FSRS Tutorial - Learning and re-learning steps

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