Could you share the card info of the affected card?
The optimizer says “Calculate the optimal retention to minimize the time for long-term memory consolidation. It is an experimental feature. You can use the simulator to get more accurate results”. That seems to imply that the simulator would tell me an optimal retention, but it does not. How is it an alternative to that?
What does “optimal retention” mean anyway?
I can only think of the point where retention is so low that lowering it further would put cards into an “ease hell”, making it require more time instead of less. It doesn’t seem optimal for retention though.
You can test different retention values with simulator and check the results. In this way, you can find an optimal retention that maximize your total knowledge retention.
Is FSRS still expected to be integrated in Anki this month? Very excited for a (hopefully) easy process to transition.
You can already download the release candidate for the next version: Release 23.10rc1 · ankitects/anki · GitHub
Transition is very easy. You just need to delete content of the “Custom Scheduling” field and enable new option in deck settings to enable FSRS.
Thanks. Assuming I haven’t started using FSRS yet, the the “delete content” instruction doesn’t apply, right?
Also, I’d assumed the currently available “release candidate” would have an update/bug fixes before being released, but it looks like my understanding of development jargon is incorrect, and the release candidate may not have any changes when formally released?
If you haven’t started using FSRS yet, the “delete content” instruction doesn’t apply.
The release candidate can have some bugs and there could be fixes before the official release. However, at that stage, most of the bugs should be fixed in the beta releases.
If I download the desktop release candidate version and implement FSRS in my decks, I assume the FSRS schedule will not be reflected in reviews done in AnkiWeb. Will synching to desktop each day maintain the FSRS schedule for reviews done on AnkiWeb?
AnkiWeb already has 23.10’s built-in FSRS support.
I just started recently using FSRS and I noticed that both in actual use and in the card simulator, if you are someone who mainly uses “again” and “good” and doesn’t really use “easy” the difficulty of a card will never decrease. So, if someone is learning a card for the first time and uses “again” several times in the learning and “young” stage of the card, the card difficulty will go up to 10 for the life of the card unless “easy” is used.
Does FSRS automatically compensate for this somehow? It seems to be a similar problem for why the Straight Rewards was created to alleviate the ease factor on the standard Anki algorithm.
FSRS has mean reversion for the difficulty. The difficulty will recover to the initial value gradually when you press good.
If I have multiple computers and AnkiDroid devices that use the same deck and are all connected to AnkiWeb for synchronization, can I enable some of the options on the FSRS4Anki Helper on the computers, or all of the options?
The options are:
Auto reschedule cards reviewed on other devices after sync
Auto reschedule the card you just reviewed
Auto disperse siblings
Load Balance when rescheduling
What combinations of options can be enabled on multiple computers at the same time? Can I just enable all of them on each computer and the card scheduling will work correctly?
While FSRS optimizer in Anki is worse than the Python one, how does “compute optimal retention” compare? Is it better to use the one in the Python optimizer?
The difference is very insignificant.
It seems like computing optimal retention is only meaningful when you know for sure that you can make enough time to review all the cards, or that you won’t have enough time to review all the cards
And the numbers are not under 100 cards or 1 minute, so that they are not rounded.
An important question that seems too stupid to ask: do you need to run “Disperse all siblings” after “Reschedule all cards”, or is it included?
There is an “Auto Disperse Siblings” setting that I have enabled. The due numbers still change after “Disperse all siblings”. Either the dispersion is different, or they change because I use Postpone more often on the days I play with the settings.
The description of Disperse Siblings is “When should I use it: Always. This feature alleviates the interference; disabling it will only decrease the efficiency of spaced repetition.” So it is about the checkbox, right?
“Disperse all siblings” is incompatible with Load Balance and Free Days. So FSRS doesn’t run it automatically after rescheduling all cards.
That and the difference between “Auto Disperse Siblings” and “Disperse all siblings” are not shown in the manual. If there is no difference, then it’s saying to always use two incompatible features.