The order the cards will appear in for people downloading the deck is the order the cards are originally added in. Even if you study cards or “reposition” them it will not change the order for people downloading your deck.
One way you can do it IF you don’t have any scheduling information you want to keep:
- Export as “Notes in plain Text” and include “unique identifier”
- Change the order of the notes in the files in a text editor/spreadsheet (or a script like this if you have a field to sort by)
- Delete all the deck’s notes in Anki
- Import the ordered .txt file with unique identifiers
As it works now, you can’t just export with scheduling information before and import the scheduling information afterwards as it will skip the notes when they already appear while importing. I will make a bug report for this to ask if it’s intentional.
If you have scheduling information you want to keep, you’ll have to change the note ids and unfortunately have two sets of notes unless it’s unintentional and it’ll be fixed in the future.
What I do is I have a separate profile for shared decks and a profile where I study them, but the note ids are the same in both.